
Leadership of Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies joins President’s call

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, taking into account the economic damage that may be caused due to COVID-19, has decided to donate to the Fund to Support Fight Against Coronavirus, created by the relevant decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
Senior executives of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, who pay particular attention to the safety and health of Azerbaijani citizens, have donated their monthly salaries to the Fund to Support Fight Against Coronavirus.
The aim is to support the country’s economy for even more rapid implementation of measures to prevent the spread of the virus in Azerbaijan and problems that may arise.
It will be recalled that preventing the prevalence of coronavirus (COVID-19) today has become a priority worldwide. Travel restrictions between countries and social isolation measures affect all areas of business and the economy.
It is to be noted that the resources of the Fund to Support Fight Against Coronavirus will be directed to measures to combat coronavirus, including the formation of medical institutions of a special regime, the remuneration of workers in the medical field, providing them with financial assistance, improving the infrastructure of medical institutions and strengthening their material and technical base.

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