
MCIT and B&BTV has signed an agreement

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies has signed a preliminary agreement to introduce digital television in Azerbaijan, head of the company B&BTV Communications Sabina Babayeva told.

Ms Babayeva said under the contract, the work will be conducted jointly with the Teleradio production unit.
"At present, Teleradio is already working in this direction by extending the coverage of the digital social package in the regions. Our company will provide the necessary support, provide backup equipment in case of the termination of analogue broadcasting and promote commercial channels throughout the country," Ms Babayeva said.

In order to assess the technical readiness of the infrastructure in the regions and the community's preparedness for transition to digital broadcasting, B&BTV Communications hired a consultancy firm, system integrator Hannu Pro (Latvia). It participated in creating a network of digital DVB-T standards in Latvia and Bulgaria. The Latvian company creates the necessary infrastructure for the functioning of terrestrial digital television.

"At present, we are waiting for an allocation of frequency resources for commercial packages. This issue is being considered by the State Radio Frequencies Commission.

After the issue is resolved, we will get an exact answer as to how many frequencies will be provided for broadcasting in the country," Ms Babayeva said.

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