
Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies to work in enhanced regime on holidays

On the days of Novruz holiday, appropriate measures will be taken to provide the population with quality and sustainable postal and telecommunications services, including Internet, mobile communications, TV and radio broadcasting.
In this regard, instructions were issued to the bodies that are included in the structure of the ministry, as well as subordinate bodies.
On pre-holidays and public holidays, in order to ensure the uninterrupted operation of landline phones, they will not be disconnected for debt or other reasons. Also, all the necessary measures will be taken for the prompt consideration and resolution of incoming appeals.
Moreover, on holidays day-night shifts will be organized and relevant measures will be taken to provide the population with uninterrupted and quality telecommunications services, radio and TV broadcasting, promptly eliminate damaged cables and lines, execute the work schedule of post offices, suspend preventive, construction and installation work, as well as strengthen the protection of communications facilities.

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