
Azərpoçt’ LLC announces open tender

‘Azərpoçt’ LLC has announced an open tender for contraction of administrative buildings for post filial, 3 post offices (Lot1) in Yasamal district and providing these post offices with equipment (Lot 2).  This information was provided to ‘ICTnews’ by Azərpoçt’ LLC.

Tender participation fee is 300 manat and 200 manat for Lot 1 and for Lot 2 respectively. On paying participation fee applicants are able to get General Requirements for participation in the Tender in Azeri language from ‘Azərpoçt’ LLC.  

 Applicants must sent documents for participating in the tender (excluding bid proposal and bank guarantee) to the following address: U.Hachibekov street, 36 by 2012, 17 April 17:00. Bid proposal and bank guarantee in a sealed envelope must be sent to the same address by 27 April 17:00 o’clock. Applicants can get additional information from ‘Azərpoçt’ LLC by calling 493-56-00 (200) phone number.  

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