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24/12/20 Microsoft, McAfee form task force to tackle ransomware

Microsoft, McAfee and other tech companies, security firms and non-profits have formed a new group, called the ‘Ransomware Task Force’ (RTF) to tackle ransomware attacks

24/12/20 Firefox to ship network partitioning as a new anti-tracking defense

Firefox 85, scheduled to be released next month, in January 2021, will ship with a feature named Network Partitioning 

21/12/20 Online cyber sports tournament Baku Cyber Cup 2020 held

Within the InnoWeek – Innovation Week 2020, an online cyber sports tournament Baku Cyber Cup 2020 

16/12/20 False information disseminated about restriction of Internet on behalf of Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies

Information was disseminated on social networks about the complete cessation of Internet access in the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan from 00:00 

15/12/20 Cybersecurity webinar held as part of Innovation Week – InnoWeek 2020

As part of the Innovation Week – InnoWeek 2020, a webinar on cybersecurity Cyber Security Envisioning Workshop was jointly organized

14/12/20 Microsoft unveils new Adrozek malware affecting Chrome, Edge and Firefox browsers with adware

Some web browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, and Mozilla Firefox, are affected by new malware designed to insert ads in search results 

11/12/20 Warning: enemy seeks to obtain information for counter-propaganda

The Armenian side continues to spread false information to hide its failures. Thus, for the purpose of counter-propaganda, the enemy side writes to our citizens through various 

03/12/20 Google employee finds a dangerous vulnerability in the iPhone

Ian Beer, an employee of the Google cyber division, discovered a dangerous vulnerability in the iPhone.

09/09/20 Windows 10 themes can be abused to steal Windows passwords

Specially crafted Windows 10 themes and theme packs can be used in 'Pass-the-Hash' attacks to steal Windows account credentials from unsuspecting users

14/08/20 Electronic Security Service warns citizens about danger of network devices

In recent days, there has been an upsurge in the number of incidents related to Wi-Fi security in our country, mainly due to the capture of users’ network devices

11/02/20 Critical Bluetooth vulnerability in Android (CVE-2020-0022) – BlueFrag

On November 3rd, 2019, we have reported a critical vulnerability affecting the Android Bluetooth subsystem

14/01/20 WhatsApp users cheated with Adidas

Cybercriminals began to use a brand of sports clothing and footwear Adidas for attacks on users of the WhatsApp messenger

14/01/20 Master Lu’s ranking of the most-faked smartphones of 2019 – Samsung W2018 tops

Chinese benchmarking outfit Master Lu has released its ranking of top 10 most counterfeited smartphones in 2019

27/09/19 Voicemail as bait

“Recently, we have been tracking a large-scale spam campaign in which scammers send e-mails that appear to be voicemail notifications

26/09/19 Experts discovered a new way to hack account on Instagram

The experts at Naked Security, dealing with cyber security, discovered a new way of cheating on Instagram

26/09/19 DTrack: previously unknown spy-tool by Lazarus hits financial institutions and research centers

Kaspersky Global Research and Analysis Team have discovered a previously unknown spy tool

26/09/19 Apple warns of a critical security error in the new iOS 13

The American company Apple has warned on Wednesday that its iOS 13 and iPadOS operating systems 

25/09/19 Facebook suspends tens of thousands of apps over privacy concerns

Facebook says it has reviewed millions of apps and suspended tens of thousands out of privacy concerns

15/07/19 Microsoft To Delete Inactive Accounts

Recently Microsoft introduced new rules for its users to ensure that they can continue having access to their accounts

12/07/19 New ‘Zip Bomb’ Turns 46MB Into 4.5PB

There's no denying that data compression is critical to modern life. It allows us to quickly download large files, 

12/07/19 Report predicts growth of AI and machine learning is detecting and deterring fraud Trend

While only 13% of organisations use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to detect and deter fraud, another 25% plan to adopt such technologies in the next year or two –a nearly 200% increase

12/07/19 Two Windows Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities Exploited in Attacks

Microsoft’s July 2019 Patch Tuesday updates fix nearly 80 vulnerabilities, including two Windows zero-day flaws and six issues whose details were previously made public

11/07/19 Android Apps Collect Your Data Without Permission, Report Finds

Thousands of Android apps can bypass permissions and gather enough data to track and identify your phone, according to a new study

10/07/19 Webcam flaw lets hackers spy on people through Mac Video Conference App Zoom

A major vulnerability in a video conferencing app for Apple Mac computers has been discovered by a security researcher

05/07/19 Firefox has a file theft vulnerability that’s been unpatched for 17 years, security researcher says

An application security researcher recently found out that downloading an HTML attachment could allow hackers to steal files stored on a victim’s computer

04/07/19 Sodin ransomware exploiting Windows zero-day, Kaspersky warns

The Sodin ransomware, also known as Sodinokibi and REvil, was initially distributed by exploiting a vulnerability in Oracle Weblogic

03/07/19 Cyber security for public cloud and ‘as-a-service’ grew strongly in 1Q2019

Cyber security solutions for public cloud and as-a-service grew by 46% year-on-year for the first quarter of the current year, the analyst firm Canalys says

03/07/19 Kaspersky Extends Cooperation With Interpol in Joint Fight Against Cybercrime

Kaspersky, a global cybersecurity company, and INTERPOL have signed a new five-year agreement to reinforce their collaboration in the fight against cybercrime around the world. 

03/07/19 Germany to publish standard on modern secure browsers

Germany's cyber-security agency is working on a set of minimum rules that modern web browsers must comply with in order to be considered secure.

16/03/19 Phishing attacks more than doubled in 2018

The number of phishing attacks that took place in 2018 more than doubled from the previous year, new research has revealed

16/03/19 Google is finally saying goodbye to Allo

Google Allo’s day of reckoning is finally here

16/03/19 First graphene-based device is a “few months” away, says startup

Scientists first isolated graphene — a transparent layer of carbon just one atom thick — in 2004

02/02/19 This smart light bulb could leak your Wi-Fi password

A hacker going under the name "LimitedResults" has revealed how smart LIFX lighting bulbs could be compromised to access everything from Wi-Fi credentials to root certificates.

19/01/19 Microsoft to end Windows 10 Mobile updates and support in December

Microsoft is planning to end support for Windows 10 Mobile devices in December. While Microsoft revealed back in 2017 that the company was no longer developing new features or hardware for Windows 10 Mobile

19/01/19 ESET Russia specialist tells media how to protect accounts from data leakage to the Internet

ESET Russia specialist Andrei Yermilov told RIA Novosti how to protect their accounts from data leakage to the Internet. According to him, the first thing you need to regularly change passwords.

15/12/18 In fresh breach, Facebook says bug may have exposed photos of 7 million users

Facebook said Friday that a software bug affecting nearly 7 million users may have exposed a broader set of photos to app developers than what those users intended.

17/11/18 Four Fake Crypto Wallets Found In Google Play

ESET company’s specialist Lukas Stefanenko found four fake cryptocurrency wallets in Googla Play store. The apps steal personal data. The expert told about it in his blog

17/11/18 Unpatched Android OS Flaw Allows Adversaries to Track User Location

A flaw in the Android mobile operating system could allow an attacker with physical proximity to a WiFi router to track the location of users within the router’s range

16/08/18 Robotic system identifies EVs and charges them up

In order to make electric cars more appealing to consumers, automakers have been experimenting with robotic chargers that automatically plug themselves into specific cars such as Volkswagens or Teslas

14/08/18 Many Android devices ship with firmware vulnerabilities, researchers find

Asus, Essential, LG, and ZTE have all vowed to patch security flaws found by mobile security firm Kryptowire, according to Wired

13/08/18 Windows 10 to get new ‘InPrivate Desktop’ security feature

Microsoft looks to be adding yet another previously undisclosed new feature to Windows 10: A new security feature called "InPrivate Desktop."

13/08/18 Germany plans to establish government agency for developing cyber weapons

The German Federal government plans to establish a state agency for the development of cyber weapons at the initiative of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior

09/08/18 Russia starts making special computers for work with sensitive information

Russia started manufacturing special computers for work with sensitive information, including secret state documents

08/08/18 Google Fixes 43 Vulnerabilities in the Android Security Patch for August 2018

After launching the Android 9.0 Pie operating system, Google released today the Android Security Patch for August 2018 to all supported devices

08/08/18 Mobile banking Trojan modifications reach all-time high

Cybercriminals are continually looking for ways to evade detection and slip through the security net

06/08/18 Southeast Asia seek cybersecurity deal with Russia after series of hacks

Southeast Asian nations hope to strike a joint agreement on cybersecurity in coming days with Russia, accused by the United States of meddling in its elections, after a series of high-profile hacks in the region

04/08/18 APWG Report: Cybercrime Gangs Ramp Up Phishing Attacks in 2018

According to the APWG’s new Phishing Activity Trends Report, phishing in the first part of 2018 surged 46 percent higher than late 2017

04/08/18 Huge Cryptomining Attack on ISP-Grade Routers Spreads Globally

A massive hacking campaign has been uncovered, compromising tens of thousands of MikroTik routers to embed Coinhive cryptomining scripts in websites using a known vulnerability

26/07/18 Demand for dark web malware exceeds supply

Malware writers have been using a free market model to sell their wares for some time

25/07/18 DNS rebinding attacks could affect 500 million enterprise IoT devices

Major corporates' connected IoT devices could be vulnerable to DNS rebinding attacks, granting hackers remote access to local networks. As many as half-a-billion devices around the world could be affected

12/05/18 New Facebook-Spread Malware Triggers Credential Theft, Cryptomining

A new malware campaign rapidly spreading via Facebook is infecting victims’ systems to steal their social media credentials and download cryptomining code.

30/11/12 US military train in cyber-city to prepare hack defence

A miniature "cyber-city" has been created in New Jersey, complete with a bank, hospital, water-tower, train system, power grid and a coffee shop. The buildings are tiny - fitting into an area 6ft (1.8m) by 8ft - but the underlying computer systems mimic those in the real world, the BBC reported.

28/11/12 National Center for Information Security to be opened in Azerbaijan in 2013

The National Center for Information Security will be created in Azerbaijan in 2013.The statement came from Minister of Communication and Information

20/10/12 Project on insuring information security by means of mobile telephones prepared

The Ministry of Communications of Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan (MCIT) has implemented a number of measures

19/10/12 Ally Financial latest U.S. bank to face cyber attack

Ally Financial Inc said on Thursday it was monitoring "unusual activity" on its web site, the latest U.S. bank to report internet issues following recent cyber attacks that have been linked to Iran, the Reuters reported. Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N)

16/10/12 EU data chiefs ask Google to change privacy policy

European Union regulators want Google to make changes to its new privacy policy to protect the rights of its users, the EU's national data protection regulators said in a letter to the U.S. internet company, which was seen by Reuters. The letter, which stopped short of declaring Google's approach to collecting user data illegal,

12/10/12 Communications Administration of Azerbaijan to establish single cyberspace security center

The Azerbaijani Communications Administration has considered establishing a single cyberspace security center among Regional Commonwealth of Communications (RCC) member-states, the Ministry of Communications and IT informed. According to the ministry, the issue was

12/10/12 RSA: Nation states and criminals working together to commit cybercrime

In a Q&A with press at the RSA European conference, RSA executive chairman Art Coviello revealed how criminals and nation states are working together to launch cyber attacks, the Computing reported. "What we found in our Antifraud Centre was that criminals that were

12/10/12 ‘You have NO privacy. Get over it’

That is the message of a popular viral video produced by the Belgian Federation of the Financial Sector (Febelfin), which has so far been seen by more than one-and-a-half million people, the Computing reported. In it, members of the public are invited to a very special mind-reading

21/09/12 More malware targeting Iran could yet be discovered

Fresh analysis of the malware Flame suggests it could be part of a much wider "family". Flame is believed to have targeted sensitive data in Iran. It has already been linked to Stuxnet, which was aimed at Iran's nuclear infrastructure, the BBC reported.

04/09/12 Anonymous Hackers Claim To Release One Million Apple Devices' Unique Identifiers Stolen From FBI

Anonymous has a way of releasing massive collections of information that raise many more questions than they answer. Case in point: The segment of the hacker group that calls itself Antisec announced that it had dumped 1,000,001 unique device identifier numbers or UDIDs for Apple devices

04/09/12 Hackers hit Swedish Web sites in support of Assange

An unidentified group of hackers wages several denial-of-service attacks on Swedish government Web sites in a show of solidarity with the WikiLeaks founder. A group of supporters of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claimed responsibility today for hacking into and jamming several Swedish government Web sites,

28/08/12 Dropbox two-step login verification available in experimental build, coming to all accounts soon

Following up on its promise to tighten account security following a recent breach, Dropbox is now offering two-step login authentication to users who install the service's latest experimental desktop build. The team says the functionality will roll out to all users in the coming days,

27/07/12 Black Hat: Former FBI chief urges firms to take strategic approach to cyber threats

Security experts are calling on businesses to be more aggressive in protecting their networks against cyber attacks. Speaking at the 2012 Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, former FBI executive assistant director Shawn Henry told delegates that firms can

23/07/12 Former government deputy CIO slams UK cyber security

Former government deputy CIO Bill McCluggage has hit out at the way the government approaches cyber security, referring to the pace of change as "glacial", the Computing reported. At a time when cyber security is high on the international agenda,

18/07/12 Mahdi 'Messiah' malware targeted Israel, Iran PCs

Trojan with references to Islam, Farsi language, and Israel-Iran conflict is found on hundreds of PCs in the Middle East.A data-stealing Trojan capable of recording keystrokes, screenshots and audio and stealing text and image files has infected about 800 computers,

06/07/12 Spam and e-marketing complaints rise by 43% in the UK

Complaints about spam and other unsolicited electronic marketing in the UK jumped 43% last year, says the Information Commissioner's Office. The ICO says it received 7,095 complaints in the year to March. However, none of the cases have resulted in fines or other punishments

06/07/12 Google hired former UK data privacy official

Google UK's privacy policy manager held a senior role at the UK's data privacy watchdog during the time of its original probe into Street View, reported BBC. A freedom of information request revealed that Steven McCartney left the Information Commissioner's Office to join Google in November 2011.

04/07/12 Cyber-criminals to be put in prison for two years in Azerbaijan

Persons engaged in cyber-crime activities will be persecuted in Azerbaijan. According to information released by the Milli Machlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, some changes have been introduced to the Criminal Code in this regard. Under these changes, the person who will access

29/06/12 International Telecommunication Union proposes to submit a global convention on information security to Azerbaijani Government

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) made a proposal to the Azerbaijani Government which is a member of the UN Security Council, to submit a global convention on information security for discussion in the UN, the Minister of Communications and IT Ali Abbasov said, addressing

27/06/12 MI5 fighting 'astonishing' level of cyber-attacks

MI5 is battling "astonishing" levels of cyber-attacks on UK industry, the intelligence agency's chief has said. In his first public speech for two years, Jonathan Evans warned internet "vulnerabilities" were being exploited by criminals as well as states. The attacks were a threat to the integrity of information, he added.

27/06/12 Internet piracy appeal fee challenged by Consumer Focus

Suspected internet pirates will have 20 working days to appeal against allegations of copyright infringement and must pay £20 to do so, according to revised plans to enforce the UK's Digital Economy Act. The details are contained in secondary legislation presented to Parliament and a draft code published by

22/06/12 "Flame" can sabotage computers, attack Iran: expert

The powerful Flame computer virus is not only capable of espionage but it can also sabotage computer systems and likely was used to attack Iran in April, according to a leading security company, Symantec Corp. Iran had previously blamed Flame for causing data loss on computers

20/06/12 Special chapter, consisting of five articles, included in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Certain changes are expected to be made to the list of items excluded from civil circulation in Azerbaijan. According to information provided by ICTnews, the changes to the law on the "List of items excluded from civil circulation" were proposed at the Milli Machlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

19/06/12 Baku to host international conference on hyper-crime in November

An international conference on fight against hyper-crime is expected to be held in Baku in November. This information was provided to ICTnews by the head of the Law and Personnel Department of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan Bakhtiyar Mammadov.

11/06/12 Think Tank: LinkedIn gets hacked and nobody cares

The British technology press was awoken from Jubilee madness with news that 6.5m passwords had been stolen from LinkedIn’s database this week. It emerged that hackers were working to “crack” a list of 6.5 million out of 150 million LinkedIn profiles.

07/06/12 LinkedIn passwords leaked by hackers

Social networking website LinkedIn has said some of its members' passwords have been "compromised" after reports that over six million' passwords had been leaked onto the internet.Hackers posted a file containing encrypted passwords onto a Russian web forum. They have invited the hacking community to help with decryption.

05/06/12 Banking club created to develop IT security in Azerbaijani banks

A banking club has been created to develop information technologies and information security in Azerbaijani banks, Supervisory Board of Azerbaijani Unibank reported. "At present, the competitiveness of any bank depends on how well the banks can apply modern information technologies, as the bank needs all

04/06/12 Cyber Threat Projection and the Insider Threat: Stuxnet Edition

Experts who theorize about cyber conflict talk about the ability to “project” power in and through cyberspace. They also warn of the danger from the “insider threat,” a trusted individual with access to sensitive systems or information who either deliberately or accidentally compromises them.

04/06/12 Hackers claim breach of China Telecom, Warner Bros. networks

SwaggSec says it lifted more than 900 login credentials from the Chinese ISP and that the company did little to defend itself after it discovered the breach. An Internet hacking group claimed today to have broken into the networks of Warner Bros. and China Telecom, publishing documents and login credentials purportedly stolen in the breaches.

30/05/12 Security monitoring of employee behaviour on the rise – Gartner

Staff can increasingly expect to be monitored by their employers – and not just what they do online during working hours,

30/05/12 ICO sets up online survey as cookie complaints rise

The Information Commisioner's Office (ICO) has received 84 customer complaints relating to the controversial EU cookie law since it came into force on Friday, via a survey tool to establish the key problem areas. The new rules were brought in amid controversy over

22/05/12 Connection line encoded to prevent outside interference to e-services

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan encoded the connection line, which is used to exchanges information between the Ministries of Communications and Information Technologies and Labor and Social Protection, in order to eliminate outside interference to e-services.

24/04/12 Iranian oil terminal 'offline' after 'malware attack'

Iran has been forced to disconnect key oil facilities after suffering a malware attack on Sunday, say reports. The computer virus is believed to have hit the internal computer systems at Iran's oil ministry and its national oil company, according to BBC. Equipment on the Kharg island and at other Iranian oil plants

23/04/12 Security issues are as important as development of ICT – MP

Nowadays information technologies are an integral part of the modern world. The statement came from Rabiyyat Aslanova, the chairwoman of the Committee on Human Rights of the Milli Majlis. In an interview to the New Azerbaijan Party, she noted at the same time, security,

23/04/12 Studios lose landmark anti-piracy suit in Australia

Major film and television studios have lost a landmark case over illegal video downloads in Australia. The High Court upheld a previous ruling that internet service provider (ISP) iiNet did not authorise copyright infringement among its customers, reported BBC. US and Australian studios had wanted iiNet to stop

21/04/12 Sinclair ZX Spectrum celebrates 30 years anniversary

Thirty years ago on 23 April, Sinclair Research launched its iconic home computer, the ZX Spectrum, a device that went on to become one of the biggest selling models of all time and is even credited with kick-starting the modern UK IT industry by getting a whole generation of kids

21/04/12 FCC takes on mobile tariffs with 'bill shock' site

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched a web portal aimed at helping users avoid unexpected charges on their mobile accounts, reported. The FCC said that the site, which is being run in partnership with a collection of US carriers,

20/04/12 Computing says: UK cyber security – time for a new approach

Events this month have demonstrated that the government has got cyber security wrong.Hackers’ collective Anonymous announced plans to take government websites offline. Just a few days later, it achieved its aim: both the Downing Street and Home Office websites were hit by DDoS

18/04/12 Software piracy level down by 8% in Azerbaijan.

Protection and observance of copyrights has strengthened in Azerbaijan in the last few years. As a result of activities jointly implemented by the Copyright Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other public bodies the level of piracy in the book publishing and audio-video products market declined by 20%,

17/04/12 Cyber crime official optimistic on new legislation

The Obama administration's top cyber security official says companies would not be unduly burdened by a Senate bill that would phase in security standards for key parts of the country's privately held infrastructure. The administration has been pushing to enact such legislation,

16/04/12 EU lawmakers deal fresh blow to antipiracy treaty

European lawmakers dealt a fresh blow to a global accord against online piracy and counterfeiting on Thursday after a key member of the European Parliament said he opposed the treaty.Amid sharpening opposition to the agreement in Europe, David Martin, who is guiding the legislation through Parliament,

16/04/12 Azerbaijan ranked fifth among ten countries mostly infected via Internet

Azerbaijan ranked fifth among the ten countries which run the most risk of infection via the Internet, Kaspersky Lab reported on its website. The top 10 countries with the result 55-39.4 percent included: Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Cote d'Ivoire, and Bangladesh.

10/04/12 Downing Street and Home Office websites hit by Anonymous

The Home Office and Downing Street websites were hit by distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks by supporters of the Anonymous hackers collective on Saturday night and Easter Sunday, reported Computing. Supporters were urged to join the assault via messages on Twitter.

10/04/12 Iran 'blocks' official London 2012 Olympics website

Iran appears to have blocked the official website for the London 2012 Olympic Games, according to BBC. Users in Iran have tweeted that they are unable to connect to and are instead redirected to - a site offering stories from Iran's official news

04/04/12 Issues related to hypercrime and multimedia content analysis discussed

The regional ‘ITU Forum-2012’ titled ‘Bridging the standardization gap’ has been held in Tashkent city of Uzbekistan. At the forum representative of members-states of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC) discussed issues related to hypercrime and multimedia content analysis.

31/03/12 European Cybercrime Centre aims for January 2013 launch

The European Commission has proposed establishing a dedicated Cybercrime Centre as part of Europol, the European Police Office,

30/03/12 Cybercrime: EU's 'best brains' to be enlisted to fight

"[It] will bring together some of Europe's best brains in the field of cybercrime," said Cecilia Malmstrom, European Commissioner for Home Affairs, at a press conference in Brussels. Based in The Hague, it will be housed alongside Europol, the pan-European police force.

16/03/12 Anonymous operating system prompts security warnings

More than 26,000 people have downloaded an operating system which members of the Anonymous hacker group claim to have created. The software is based on a version of the open-source operating system Linux and comes outfitted with lots of website sniffing and security tools, - reported BBC.

05/03/12 Hackers had 'full functional control' of Nasa computers

Hackers gained "full functional control" of key Nasa computers in 2011, the agency's inspector general has told US lawmakers. Paul K Martin said hackers took over Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) computers and "compromised the accounts of the most privileged JPL users".

23/02/12 Azerbaijani TV, AZAL websites hacked by Iranians

Iranian hackers attacked the websites of the Azerbaijan State Television & Radio Company, AzTV, and Azerbaijani Airlines (AZAL) on 22-23 February. A message in English from the hackers popped up in place of the AzTV website when it was opened.

13/02/12 Stolen Facebook and Twitter log-ins on sale for $30 each

Cyber criminals are selling bulk log-in credentials for social sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, and web server management software cPanel, according to security researchers. "These details are not on sale so people can cause mischief but for real

13/02/12 Malware authors get social to improve cyber attacks

Security researchers have found that cyber criminals are offering their attack tools in a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, and creating social networks to build communities around their products to help suggest new features and find bugs. Researchers at cyber threat management firm Seculert found that malware developers

13/02/12 Acta: Germany delays signing anti-piracy agreement

Germany has halted signing a controversial anti-piracy accord, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Acta), after the justice ministry voiced concerns. A foreign ministry spokesperson told AFP that the delay was to "give us time to carry out further discussions". Latvia also put off signing on Friday.

07/02/12 Hackers sought $50,000 from Symantec for anti-virus blueprint

Hackers sought $50,000 from U.S. anti-virus firm Symantec Corp in return for the stolen blueprints to its flagship products under what the company says was a sting operation run by an undisclosed law enforcement agency via emails.

07/02/12 New Zealand joins US defence SATCOM pact

New Zealand has joined the US Department of Defence’s flagship wideband global satellite (WGS) program under moves to boost its communications capabilities, and ensure guaranteed access to communications at fixed prices and faster data throughput. The WGS program, currently supported by partner countries including Australia

06/02/12 MCIT creates information exchange system to predict earthquakes

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies has established an information exchange system for monitoring its earthquake prediction system, Institute of Cybernetics Director Telman Aliyev told. He said the system will transmit seismic signals directly to the server.

04/02/12 'What do you say about this?' Israeli hackers ask Ahmadinejad

A group of Israeli hackers have attacked several Iranian websites, a day after a number of Israeli websites were taken offline in the latest incident in a low-level cyberwar. In a statement posted on the, a group calling themselves the "Israel Defense Force Team"

04/02/12 'What about McDonald's in the Pentagon?: Extraordinary top secret call between FBI and Scotland Yard 'tapped' by Anonymous

A confidential call between the FBI and Scotland Yard was recorded by hacking group Anonymous - the very people they were trying to catch, it was revealed today. The group released a 15-minute tape of what appears to be a conference call last month about tracking and prosecuting the group’s members.

03/02/12 Experts praise UK's cyber defences but say more international co-operation needed to fight attacks

A new report has ranked the UK among the top nations for its ability to protect itself from cyber attack, but warned that greater international co-operation is needed. The report, by the Brussels-based Security & Defence Agenda (SDA), which was commissioned by security firm McAfee,

23/01/12 Over 9,000 interventions to hosting system of Special Security Service prevented

On 16 December 2011 from 11:30, several Azerbaijani websites encountered cyber attacks. The attacks also targeted websites hosted in the data center of the Special State Security Service with domain. Due to the strong security system and quick action,

19/01/12 Virus infections stop after suspects named

One of the most common sources of computer intrusions has stopped infecting new machines after security researchers working with Facebook released the names of five suspected ringleaders. After more than two years of work, a pair of researchers on Tuesday published the names, aliases and photographs of a gang

17/01/12 Oracle plans huge security update this week

Oracle has planned a huge swathe of security updates for Tuesday this week, with 78 vulnerabilities among the hundreds of its products slated to be patched. Oracle said in a security update that vulnerabilities will be addressed in the Oracle Database Server, Fusion Middleware, E-Business suite,

16/01/12 Azerbaijan is ranked sixth among the ten countries that faced the greatest risk of infection through the Internet

Azerbaijan is ranked sixth among the ten countries that faced the greatest risk of infection through the Internet, the survey of Kaspersky Lab virus

13/01/12 Israeli hacker retaliates to credit card hacking

An Israeli hacker has published details of hundreds of Saudi credit cards online and is threatening to post more in revenge for acts by Arab hackers. Last week a hacker, claiming to be from Saudi Arabia, published information about tens of thousands of Israeli credit cards online.

10/01/12 Symantec says hack poses no threat to its security franchise

Symantec Corp.'s Norton Antivirus software and its source code were not compromised on Thursday and fragments of the company's enterprise security program that were posted on the Internet were out of date, the software's publisher said late Friday. No Norton products or source code were the target of the attack,

09/01/12 Symantec investigating claim hackers have Norton Antivirus code

Symantec Corp. is investigating claims that hackers have acquired the source code for its Norton Antivirus software, which the hacker group threatens to release to the public at an undisclosed time. A group calling itself the Lords of Dharmaraja posted an Adobe document

26/12/11 European Network and Information Security Agency for more security responsibility for ISPs

The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) has called on European nation states to introduce incentives for ISPs to detect and clean up infected computers on their networks. This was one of several recommendations aimed at improving internet security in its report 'Economics of Security: 

26/12/11 Security researcher recommends ditching Oracle Java platform

A security expert has warned users to uninstall Oracle's Java SE platform from their machines, as the software creates too many exploitable vulnerabilities. Writing on his blog, Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at security firm F-Secure, explained that users should ditch the software unless they absolutely need it.

23/12/11 Fujitsu says possible Eurozone collapse is most obvious risk factor for 2012

As Europe's debt crisis threatens the global economic recovery, the president of Fujitsu Ltd. said he is "very concerned" about a further worsening in the region's sentiment in January, as demand for the Japanese technology firm's products and services in Germany show signs of weakening this month.

21/12/11 Azerbaijani IT company’s website attacked by hackers

Azerbaijani IT-company SayberNet restored its online resource. Its work was suspended as a result of a hacker attack, the company told. SayberNet acts as a system integrator. It was chosen as the organization which must deal with the technical construction of the "Electronic government" system.

15/12/11 Government eyes Information Security Centre project

The Azerbaijani government is considering setting up a National Information Security Centre.Elmir Velizade, deputy minister of communications and

14/12/11 Azerbaijan establishes national security information centre

Azerbaijan will create a national centre for information security soon, Azerbaijani Deputy Communications and IT Minister Elmir Velizade told media.

02/12/11 US company contributes to establishment of information security center

US's Symantec takes feasible part in the project of creation of a National Information Security Center of Azerbaijan, Alexander Yakunin, Symantec Director for sales in Kazakhstan, Central Asia, and South Caucasus, told. "The project is being carried out at state level under direct participation of the

28/11/11 Azerbaijan’s primary provider to ensure Eurovision-2012 Internet resource security

Azerbaijan's primary provider - Delta Telecom Company will ensure the security of the Internet resource,

18/11/11 Facebook says India users not hit by hacking attack

Internet site Facebook Inc. Thursday said user accounts in India weren't affected by the spam attack which posted pornographic and violent images on the pages of users of the popular social networking website in the U.S. earlier this week. Denying a recent media report, Facebook said that there have been inaccurate reports of users'

18/11/11 Android devices see staggering surge in viruses - Juniper Networks

The arsenal of malicious code aimed at Android-powered gadgets has grown exponentially, with criminals hiding viruses in applications people download to devices, according to Juniper Networks. The computer systems specialty firm's Global Threat Center found "staggering growth" in mobile "malware"

16/11/11 Facebook 'virus' shows hardcore porn and violent images

Facebook says it is looking into reports that pornographic and violent images have been posted to its website. The pictures are reported to have shown up in users' newsfeeds. According to the technology site, ZDnet, the material is being spread via a "linkspam virus"

14/11/11 Iran says has detected Duqu computer virus

- Iran said on Sunday it had detected the Duqu computer virus that experts say is based on Stuxnet, the so-called "cyber-weapon" discovered last year and believed to be aimed at sabotaging the Islamic Republic's nuclear sites. The head of Iran's civil defense organization told the official IRNA news agency

14/11/11 International cybernetics and informatics conference to be held in Baku

The "Cybernetics & Informatics Issues" conference will be held in Baku. The decision to hold the conference was taken at the sidelines

27 July 2024

26 07 2024