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23/09/19 Admin is NOT the worst password of all

Forget about 12345 or P@ssW0rd, an Avira honeypot set up to find new smart device threats has identified an even more insecure credential

20/09/19 Two years on, WannaCry ransomware is targeting more computers than ever

Two years on, WannaCry ransomware is targeting more computers than ever

18/09/19 WhatsApp’s ‘Delete for Everyone’ doesn’t delete media files from iPhones

It turns out WhatsApp‘s ‘Delete for Everyone’ feature — designed to let you wipe texts and files you sent by accident 

17/09/19 Edward Snowden advised officials to abandon WhatsApp and Telegram

Representatives of the government, using WhatsApp and Telegram messengers for communication, are at great risk

17/09/19 Motorola TV With Android TV 9.0 Launched

Motorola has jumped onto a new product line and announced its own TV series

16/09/19 Sony Develops 16K Display: A 783-Inch ‘Crystal LED’ Screen

Sony said at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) trade show that it had developed a screen featuring a 16K resolution that uses its Crystal LED technology. The display is currently being installed at a new research center of Shiseido, a Japanese cosmetics group

14/04/18 Warning! Attack targeted at users of as many as 21 Polish banks

It has not been half a year since the attack targeting users of mobile banking applications has been publicized. 

16/12/15 President Xi urges to build a community of shared future in cyberspace

CHINESE President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged all countries to jointly build a community of shared future in cyberspace, Shanghai Daily reported.

14/12/15 U.S., Cuba to re-establish direct mail service in latest sign of normalizing relations

The United States and Cuba said Friday that they will re-establish direct mail service between the two countries for the first time in more than a half century, the latest sign of thawing relations between the long-time adversaries, the Washington Post reported. 

07/12/15 Kazakhstan government to spy on internet users

As of January 1, Kazakhstan will require the presence of a "national security certificate" on every internet-capable device in the country, the Financial Express reported. 

07/12/15 US and China take first steps to crack down on cyber crime together

The first China-US ministerial dialogue on fighting cyber crime held in Washington last week yielded positive outcomes, Global Times reported.

26/11/12 New ATSs launched in Absheron

New ATSs have been launched in Atchilig, Hokmali, Yeni Gobu, Gobustan and Gurtulush-93 settlements as part of the Activity Plan for development of the telecommunication network in Absheron region. This information was provided by director of Absheron Telecommunication Hub Eyyub Ismayilov.

23/11/12 Money orders system to be launched between Azerbaijan and Belarus

Azerpoct LLC, the Azerbaijani postal operator is expecting the launch of a money transfer system using the STEFI system (Secured Transfer of Electronic Financial Information) with Belarus, on December 1, deputy chairman of the Commission for postal services of the Regional

30/10/12 Postal stamps dedicated to Azerbaijan-Poland diplomatic relations released

New postal stamps dedicated to Azerbaijan-Poland diplomatic relations has been released on the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies’ order. According to information provided by chief editor of Azermarka company of the Ministry of Communications and Information

22/10/12 Several head post-offices in Nakhchivan connected to ‘AKIS’ system

Head post-offices in Babek, Sharur, Ordubad, Shahbuz, Chulfa, Sadarak and Kangarli regions of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan have connected to “AKIS” system in order to start money transfer operations in real-time mode. This information was provided by the

22/10/12 New building for head post-office constructed in Baku

Azerpost SE has implemented a number of projects with the aim of modernization of postal communication through the introduction of new technologies. According to information provided by Azerpost, within the activities carried out in a short period of time, capital repair of 11

15/10/12 World Bank signs grant agreement with Azerpoct

The World Bank has signed grant agreement with Azerbaijani postal operator Azerpoct, the Ministry of Finance of Azerbaijan reported. The ministry said the grand amounted to $600,000, which will be allocated to the postal operator at no cost for implementation over the next three years.

09/10/12 25th Universal Postal Congress holds in Doha

The 25th Universal Postal Congress officially opened in Doha, Qatar, marked the beginning of the three-week meeting which gathers postal leaders and stakeholders from the Universal Postal Union’s 192 member countries to decide on the global postal sector’s future every four years.

25/09/12 Broad measures implemented in Azerbaijan in connection with 138th anniversary of establishment of Universal Postal Union

Azerpost SE will implement broad measures in the country in connection with the 138th anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union. This information was provided to ICTnews by the assistant to the general director of Azerpost Elshad Nuraliyev.

07/09/12 International land postal traffic between Azerbaijan and Georgia started

The international land postal traffic between Azerbaijan and Georgia was successfully implemented at the “Sinig korpu” border check point under the contract signed between national operators of both countries. This information was provided to ICTnews by Azerpost SE. According to Azerpost,

09/08/12 New post offices to be put into operation

The “Azerpoct” LLC has prepared an action plan in connection with the Holy Month of Ramadan. This information was provided to ICTnews by the assistant to the general director of Azerpoct Elshad Nuriyev. According to him, within the action plan new post offices will be

07/08/12 Monitors to be installed in central post offices in Baku

According to information provided to ICTnews by the “Azerpoct” LLC, monitors will soon be installed in central post offices in Baku. Azerpoct says that the monitors will provide customers with information about all services. Over the course of time, monitors will also be installed regional post offices.

06/08/12 Azerekspresspocht to sign contract with YapıKrediBank

The “Azerekspresspocht” Communications Enterprise is preparing a mechanism and software support for a new type of service, which will insure delivery of bank cards to bank creditors and help monitor them on Azerekspresspocht’s web-site. According to information provided to

04/08/12 Ministry of Finances provides Azerpoct with insurance license

According to information provided to ICTnews by Azerpoct LLL, the Ministry of Finances has provided Azerpoct with a license for conducting insurance activities. “Most countries of the world, especially developed countries, attach great attention to insurance of

02/08/12 Azerbaijan’s postal operator continues to sell insurance certificates

At present, compulsory insurance of motor vehicles is conducted in all post offices of Azerpoct LLC. In this connection, employees of post offices are informing the population about the procedures of compulsory insurance of motor vehicles. At the same time, post offices continue to sell insurance certificates.

18/07/12 Azerpoct increases quality of postal services rendered in Baku

“The State Program for the Social and Economic Development of Baku city and its settlements in 2011-2013” is being successfully implemented by the “Azerpoct” LLC at the highest possible level. This information was provided to ICTnews by the deputy director of Azerpoct Subhan Kazimov.

10/07/12 Azerpoct makes appeal to subscribers

The “Azerpoct” LLC has made an appeal to school leavers who want to study at foreign universities. In its appeal Azerpoct asks university entrants to indicate clearly addresses of universities in the documents they send to universities. The appeal says: ”We have difficulties with the delivery of letters from the universities,

10/07/12 Russian official offers to create news channel on post-Soviet space

State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin proposes to establish a news channel, a kind of analogue of Euronews in the post-Soviet space. Speaking to students at the Baku Slavic University, he noted that a common information space created by

02/07/12 Post offices in Ganja region provided with modern security systems

The Ganja Regional Post Office strengthened security measures after launching banking and financial services. This information was provided to ICTnews by the head of Ganja Regional Post Office Nizami Mustafayev. According to him, a special bunker has been built for the main treasury

02/07/12 New post office built in Samukh

Constriction of corporate post offices continues in regions. A new project has been implemented in Samukh region in this regard. According to information provided to ICTnews by the head of the Samukh Post Office Ziraddin Kerimov, a new corporate post office is now being built at Ziyadli village in Samukh region.

20/06/12 Postage stamp dedicated to 20th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and China released

A new postage stamp has been released by the ‘Azermarka’ company. The new postage stamp was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the People’s Republic of China. The Maiden Tower in Baku and the Great Wall of China,

16/06/12 Post offices to be connected to non-sim network

The ‘Azerpoct’ LLC plans to connect its 1,200 post offices to the Automated Corporate Information System (ACIS). About 1,000 post offices have already been connected to this network. Due to the absence of land communications around 200 post offices will be connected to this network via the non-sim internet.

06/06/12 ‘Azerpoct’ LLC to render electronic business services

The ‘Azerpoct’ LLC is expected to start providing electronic services soon. This information was provided to ICTnews by the Head of the Financial Services and Marketing Department of Azerpoct Yashar Ahmadov. According to him, Azerpoct has developed a business plan,

06/06/12 “Azerpoct” to register IMEI-codes

Mobile phone IMEI-codes will be registered in branches and offices of the Azerbaijani postal operator, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies reported. "The applications on including the information about the IMEI-codes will be accepted at post offices. They will be delivered to the end instance to include it in a single database.

05/06/12 Azerpoct launches pilot project to grant pension benefits through POS-terminals

The Azerbaijani Azerpoct postal operator has launched a pilot project to grant pension benefits through POS-terminals, Postal Department of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies reported. According to information, the pilot project has been launched in the

30/05/12 Stamps on Eurovision 2012 issued

The Azermarka company of the Ministry of Communications and Information Tehcnologies has released a series of stamps on Eurovision 2012 Song Contest A series of stamps includes two souvenir postal blocks and three blocks of six marks each. One of the souvenir postal blocks represents a

25/05/12 Another novelty in mail exchange

Starting from this year the mail delivery in Baku is implemented by the Mail Delivery Centre of the ‘Azerpoct’ LLC. According to information provided to the ICTnews by the centre, the Mail Delivery Centre is expected to be moved to the area close to Lokbatan settlement.

16/05/12 Azerpoct switches over to issue of bank statement

c The process of issuing a bank statement is completely computerised. The statement will be issued by the system as soon as the payment is completed

11/05/12 Azerbaijan to be represented at seminar jointly organized by Universal Postal Union and Regional Communications Union

On June 2012 the Universal Postal Union and the Regional Communications Union will hold joint seminar within the framework of the Strategic Plan for the regional development of Europe and CIS countries. According to information provided to ‘ICTnews’ by the ‘Azerpoct’ LLC,

02/05/12 Number of companies that open bank accounts at post offices grows

The ‘Azerpoct’ LLC is currently introducing a number of financial and banking services in its subordinate agencies. According to information provided by ‘Azerpoct’ to ‘ICTnews’, the Central Bank has already connected to ‘AZIPS’, ‘XOHKS’ and ‘SWIFT’ systems. Huge number of bank accounts has been opened in

30/04/12 E-services improved in Imishli region

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan with support of the ‘Azerpoct’ LLC will launch a new pilot project to improve communication services in Imishli region. This information was provided to ‘The World of Communication’ newspaper by Vagif Valiyev,

30/04/12 Azerpost considers acceptable level of profitability of insurance services

Azerbaijani postal operator, Azerpost, gets a reasonable income from insurance services, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan reported. "The operator gets 15 percent of the amount of each insurance policy,

30/04/12 Around 900 post offices launched in regions

As part of activities implemented in line with the ‘Program for the Social and Economic Development of Regions’ about 900 post offices have been built and put at the population’s disposal in Azerbaijan. This information was provided to ‘ICTnews’ by the general director of the ‘Azerpoct’ LLC Surkhay Kazimov.

30/04/12 ‘Azerekspresspoct’ awarded with gold certificate

The ‘Azerekspresspoct’ Communication Company has been awarded with Gold Certificate. The communication company took the highest place in the ‘Total Certification Levels for 2011’ table, which included Express Mail Service operators from 206 countries. The table was prepared by the ‘Price Water House Coopers’

27/04/12 Azerpost branches to be connected to unique corporate information system

Azerbaijani postal operator, Azerpost, in conjunction with the Azercell GSM-operator has started to connect post offices in remote rural areas to its corporate information systems, the head of department of postal services of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies

27/04/12 Modules for smart cards to be integrated in a centralized information system for mass payments (APUS)

Module that allows to download smart-cards to pay for the use of gas will be integrated in a centralized information system for mass payments (APUS) at the Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA), head of department of postal services of the Ministry of Communications and Information

16/04/12 Monitoring conducted at post offices

Monitoring activities are being conducted in post offices in order to check quality of services provided by them. This information was provided to ‘ICTnews’ by ‘Azerpocht’ LLC. The monitoring activities cover such issues as quality of various types of services, requirements of citizens, and etc.

16/04/12 Azerbaijan may increase speed of remittance operations with other countries

Azerbaijan has successfully completed testing activities for connecting to a faster money transfer system called the Secured Transfer of Electronic Financial Information (STEFI). According to information provided to ‘ICTnews’ by the ‘Azerpocht’ LLC, ‘STEFI’ has already solved

14/04/12 ‘Azerpocht’ LLC to build new post offices in Goygol region

The ‘Azerpocht’ LLC is planning to build new post offices in Goygol region. According to information provided to ‘ICTnews’ by Mushvig Alekperov, director of the regional postal filial, monitoring activities were conducted in this regard, and according to results of

14/03/12 Azərmarka’ issues new stamps dedicated to Azerbaijan

‘Azərmarka’ company of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies has issued a new series of ‘Europe 1012. Travel to Azerbaijan’ stamps dedicated to Azerbaijan. This new series consists of 3 separate stamps. One of these stamps with nominal price of 20 kopecks

12/03/12 Azərpoçt’ LLC announces open tender

‘Azərpoçt’ LLC has announced an open tender for contraction of administrative buildings for post filial, 3 post offices (Lot1) in Yasamal district and providing these post offices with equipment (Lot 2). This information was provided to ‘ICTnews’ by Azərpoçt’ LLC. Tender participation fee is 300 manat and 200 manat for Lot 1 and for Lot 2 respectively.

07/03/12 Azerbaijan strengthens control over cash transactions in postal services

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies adopted a governing document to ensure the internal control system over cash transactions carried out in the field of postal services, the ministry informed. "Its main goal is to prevent illegal financial transactions (money laundering,

06/03/12 Pupils of ‘Baku-Oxford’ school visit ‘Azərpoçt’ LLC

A group of pupils and teachers of ‘Baku-Oxford’ school has made an excursion to ‘Azərpoçt’ LLC. The activity was initiated by the school’s administration which applied to ‘Azərpoçt’ and obtained permission for this excursion. Within this activity a meeting was organized between

05/03/12 Post affiliates launch e-services in Azerbaijan

New projects are implemented in Azerbaijan for raising the quality of postal services by Azerpocht. According to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies, e-postal services are also among them. This service will help the prompt delivery of a letter from one address to another.

05/03/12 Demand for postage stamps increases in Azerbaijan

Demand for postage stamps is increasing day by day in Azerbaijan. This happens because the number of letters sent from the republic to foreign countries is growing up with every day. This information was provided to ‘ICTnews’ by the chief editor of ‘Azərmarka’ company of the Ministry

02/03/12 New post offices to be put into operation in connection with ‘Novruz’ holiday

‘Azərpoçt’ LLC plans to conduct widespread activities in connection with ‘Novruz’ holiday. This information was provided to ‘ICTnews’ by ‘Azərpoçt’ LLC. Within this activities new post offices in Pambigkand village of Salyan region, Gamarvan and Hachigarvand villiges

25/02/12 Epistolary essay contest kicks off in Azerbaijan

This year, as every year, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) recommended to all postal administrations to conduct jointly with the Education Ministries an epistolary essay contest among schoolchildren on the topics offered by UPU. The best essay on these topics will be sent to the UPU’s Berne-based central office.

16/02/12 "Azerpoct" Postal Operator issues first batch of int’l cards

Azerbaijan postal operator "Azerpoct" received the first batch of debit cards of MasterCard international payment system, the head of the Postal Communications Department of the Azerbaijani Communications and IT Ministry and chairman of the postal services of the Regional

08/02/12 Azerpoct postal operator launches money transfer system to Ukraine

Azerbaijan's Azerpoct postal operator is launching a money transfer system to Ukraine using a STEFI system of money transfers, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan told. It is expected the system will be commissioned in March, the Ministry said.

07/02/12 MCIT will strengthen the security of postal service

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies will strengthen the security of mail, head of department of postal services of MCIT, chairman of the committee on postal services of the Regional

06/02/12 Post Office of UK seeks partner for £150m IT overhaul

The Post Office is seeking a new IT services provider to help transform the organisation, in a deal worth up to £150m. In a public tender, the organisation said it is searching for an IT services provider to design, deliver and support a new IT framework for a two-year period.

30/01/12 Companies take interest in “Door to Door” service

Several more companies took interest in “Door to Door” intermediary service, which had been introduced by “Azərekspresspoçt” express service. Marketing analyses show that this interest was caused by the affordable tariffs for this service, which is rendered by post offices of foreign countries.

26/01/12 Consultant to be involved to make postal services in Azerbaijan more profitable

The results of the project development of financial services, implemented by Azerbaijani postal operator LLC Azerpoct, the country's Central bank and the World Bank have not given the expected results yet, Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov told journalists on Saturday.

23/01/12 Consultant to be involved to make postal services in Azerbaijan more profitable

The results of the project development of financial services, implemented by Azerbaijani postal operator LLC Azerpoct, the country's Central bank and the World Bank have not given the expected results yet, Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov told journalists on Saturday.

13/01/12 Azerbaijan connected to faster money transfer system

Azerbaijan connected to faster money transfer system, “STEFI” (Secured Transfer of Electronic Financial Information). According to information from “Azerpocht” LLC, “STEFI” has solved all technical issues in this direction, 

11/01/12 Head post office of Geychay region started to render electronic services

Another novelty has been introduced in one of the leading regions of Azerbaijan. The Head post office of Geychay region has started using e-post services. According to information from the head post office, so far there have not been any problems with sending letters and information in electronic format in any direction.

10/01/12 Post offices at Oil rocks and Chilov island to be computerized soon

“Post offices No: 68 and 64, that are located at Oil rocks and Chilov island respectively, will be computerized soon”, told “” deputy general director of “Azerpocht” LLC, Nazim Suleymanov. According to him, negotiations are being conducted now for this purpose.

10/01/12 The total number of local cards issued by the Azerbaijani postal operator Azerpoct Ltd amounts two thousand units

The total number of local cards issued by the Azerbaijani postal operator Azerpoct Ltd amounts two thousand units, informed Azerpoct.Azerpoct payment cards are operated by MilliKart processing center. It worth to be noted that the first batch of MasterCard payment cards of

09/01/12 There are near 1550 post offices in Azerbaijan

Rapid growth is observed in the postal sphere in Azerbaijan. According to information provided by “Azerpocht” LLC, a new corporate method is applied in construction of post offices in the regions. At present, the organization has around 1,550 post offices, which offer the following types of services:

09/01/12 “Azerpocht” LLC signed contract with “Atashkah” insurance company

“Azerpocht” LLC has signed contract with another insurance company, “Atashkah”. Under the contract, “Atashkah” insurance company will render services on compulsory and voluntary insurance through OOO “Azerpocht”s post offices. The contract makes it much easier for the population to access the insurance company’s services.

13/12/11 “Azerpocht” became member of “MasterCard İnt”

“Azerpocht” LLC received a membership in “MasterCard İnt” international card organization. Now “Azerpocht” LLC started executing the projects on card emission in “MasterCard İnt” international card organization and “ATM acquiring” certification. PC «Expressbank» also started executing the projects on “MChip card”

13/12/11 Postal operator of Azerbaijan to use MasterCard

 Azerbaijani postal operator Azerpoct Ltd will begin to issue international payment cards MasterCard since the beginning of 2012, Head of the Department of the Ministry of Postal Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan,

12/12/11 Number of post offices rendering banking and financial services increases

Presently, around 1000 post offices of “Azerpocht” LLC render banking and financial services. According to information provided by “Azerpocht”,

16/11/11 New post offices in Nakhichevan will render banking services

New EATS and post offices have been put into operation in Ashagi Gishlag and Yukhari Gishlag villages at Shahbuz region of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. The new EATS located in Ashagi Gishlag village has capacity of 224 numbers and renders services to 213 subscribers of which 133 live in this village and 80 live in Yukhari Gishlag village.

16/11/11 “Azerpocht” will install automatic cash terminals in regions

“Azerpocht” LLC use POS and ATM automatic cash terminals in rendering its services to customers. “Azerpocht” has wide opportunities allowing it to compete with banks. “Azerpocht” told that it had already installed automatic cash terminals in the central post office and post offices No: 33, 73, 63 and 2.

15/11/11 45 branch post offices joined “Western Union” money transfer system

The cooperation agreement, signed between “Azerpocht” LLC and “Western Union” money transfer system, is being executed at the highest possible level. Introduction of “Western Union” money transfer system at branch post offices and post offices of “Azerpocht” LLC is under completion now.

15/11/11 “Azerpocht” cooperates with 134 countries via internet inquiry

“Azerpocht” cooperates with 134 countries through internet inquiry. Due to limited capacity of registered mails of international tracking system, Azerbaijan, for the time being, has exchange of registered mails with only 25 countries, and it is based on mutual agreements.

04/11/11 Some $140 million invested in Azerbaijani ICT and postal sector

About 140 million was inverted in the ICT sector and postal services in Azerbaijan in January-September, which is more by 22 percent over the same period 2010 and makes up 1.8 percent of total investments in the economy, the Azerbaijani Communications and IT Ministry reported.

31/10/11 Number of post offices increased

Number of post offices of “Azerpocht” LLC has reached 1501. Head of the department of network management of the organization Galib Babayev told that 12 post offices have been put into service for the population so far. According to him, construction of 7 new post offices have been completed,

31/10/11 Postal services revenues increased

“Azerpoch” LLC informs that for the first 9 months of 2011 tariff revenue forecast was exceeded by 3%. According to information provided by head of the budget and broadcasting department Agshin Gasanzade, 16,992,000 manats revenue was forecasted for the stated period,

24/10/11 Number of post offices joining “KOMİS” system increases

“Azerbaijan can easily connect all its post offices to a centralized information system for mass payments (KOMIS). The Central Bank of Azerbaijan plans to connect one division of “Azerpocht” postal operator to KOMIS system every year,”

19/10/11 9 more post offices rendering banking and financial services to be opened in Geychay

“Presently, 890 post offices of “Azerpocht” LLC render banking and financial services, and the number will increase soon,” told the head of “Azerpocht” LLC’s department of marketing and financial services Yashar Ahmedov.

12/10/11 Congressmen opposed to Hamilton, Maybell post office closures

Of 71 post offices slated for closure in Colorado, 61 are located in the predominately rural Third and Fourth U.S. Congressional Districts. Included in those potential closings, which total 3,653 across the country, are post offices in Maybell and Hamilton.

12/10/11 The United States Postal Service will lose a record $10 billion this year

The United States Postal Service will lose a record $10 billion this year. And because of this financial insolvency, no later than next summer, it will fail to meet payroll. This action most certainly will stop the mail — and leave taxpayers on the hook with a multi-billion-dollar “postage due” bailout bill.

12/10/11 Workers' comp costs Postal Service more than it should, IG finds

The U.S. Postal Service could save at least $335 million on its yearly workers' compensation tab if the federal government adopted some of the cost-cutting techniques used by private companies, the agency's inspector general concludes in a new report.

10/10/11 First regional branch post office to render banking and financial services

New post office has been put into operation in Charikhli village of Geychay region. The post office, which had for a long time been operating in an old building, is equipped with new and modern equipment now. It has also a computer installed for providing citizens with banking and financial services.

03/10/11 “Azerpocht” announced most professional operator and postman

In connection with professional holyday of workers of communications and IT sphere and 130-th anniversary of creation of telephone communication in Azerbaijan Republic LLC “Azerpocht” held a competition in order to define the most professional operator and postman among workers of its branches.

28/09/11 New modern post boxes in Baku

New and modern post boxes will be installed in the post offices of “Azerpocht” PA. The new post boxes have already been installed in front of several post offices.

28/09/11 New stamp released in connection with 20-th jubilee of establishment of Regional Communication Association

New stamp released in connection with 20-th jubilee of establishment of Regional Communication Association. President of “Azеrmarka” company Intiqam Baqirli told “İCTNews” that a new stamp, which is printed on high quality paper, had been put into circulation. The stamp, issued with circulation of 50,000 copies,

26/09/11 New stamp honoring Nizami Ganjavi issued

A new stamp dedicated to 870-th jubilee of great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi has been issued. According to information provided to “İCTNews” by the president of “Azermarka” company Intiqam Baqirli, the stamp, which is printed in high quality paper in the Republic of Belarus, has already been put into circulation.

16/09/11 Postal parcels will go through electronic registration in villages

“Azerpocht” LLC has supplied all post offices of the country with scanning devices, which read bar-codes off the registered postal parcels and enter them into the integrated computer network. According to information provided by “Azerpocht” LLC,

15/09/11 Postal parcels will go through electronic registration in villages

“Azerpocht” LLC has supplied all post offices of the country with scanning devices, which read bar-codes off the registered postal parcels and enter them into the integrated computer network.

14/09/11 “Azerpocht” LLC joins “Coinstar” International Money Transfer System

Azerpocht” LLC is successfully implementing “Financial Services Development Project”. The post offices, which obtained a license from the Central Bank, don’t have any difficulties in rendering banking services.

13/09/11 Are postal parcels delivered to Upper-Karabakh?

Postal parcels sent from foreign countries to Upper-Karabakh and territories adjacent to it are labeled by Armenian side with a tag “There is no access to this territory”.

12/09/11 New communication facilities to open in connection with 20-th anniversary of Independence of Azerbaijan

“Azerpocht” LLC prepared an activity plan in connection with 20-th anniversary of independence of Azerbaijan to be marked on the 10-th of October. According to “Azerpocht”, the activity plan envisages commission of the following new communication facilities:

09/09/11 “Azerpocht” prepares for World Post Day anniversary

On October 9 “Azerpocht” LLC plans to celebrate the 137-th anniversary of creation of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). The following measures will be implemented before this date in order to get ready for the jubilee: new offices will be put into operations for Siazan, Ganja, Geychay,

06/09/11 Azerbaijani postal operator will share experience with European and CIS countries

The Azerbaijani postal operator Azerpoct will share its experience in reforms in the postal sector at the regional conference "Support to the European and CIS countries in strengthening and

02/09/11 Worldwide Posts trusted providers of financial services, UPU

According to recent statistics of Universal Postal Union, at least 70 Posts worldwide provide postal savings account services. On average, postal financial services account for 15% of global postal revenues, which in 2007, reached 340 billion US dollars.

02/09/11 Worldwide postal services generally contribute 1% of a country’s gross domestic product-UPU

According to recent statistics of Universal Postal Union, the worldwide postal sector employs more than 5 million people The world’s Posts annually

27 July 2024

26 07 2024